Twenty Twenty 3

Twenty Twenty 3
October 2, 2022 Mark
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If you haven’t watched the Nine Charts of Mortal Men then you’re may not be aware that the markets across the western world are looking horrid.

Money is rushing to the safety of the US Dollar amid concerns the markets are about to continue their tumble into the abyss.

Doom & Gloom?

Well, on the other side of every ‘bet’ someone is going to be making a killing.

Just like George Soros when he bet against the pound and made Billions of dollars, I won’t be shocked to find individuals and entities pocketing vast sums of money off the suffering of nations.

The old adage, Follow The Money, comes to mind!

Dan Bongino wrote ‘Follow the Money’, published in October 2020. He lays out the deep state links to destroy Donald Trumps Presidency and dives into Joe Biden’s meddling into Kiev politics with a quid pro quo $1B dollar loan to Ukraine on the proviso a head prosecutor was sacked! A prosecutor that happened to be investigating Burisma Holdings, Ukraines largest private gas provider. A company that happened to have Joe’s son Hunter Biden sat on its board of directors.

Nothing to see here….

One has to wonder if this insane support for Ukraine, Billions of dollars, weapons and flag waving nonsense is all a desperate attempt to prevent Vlad from rummaging around in Zelenskys filing cabinet?

How far is the Biden Regime prepared to go…. WAR!


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