Freeze & Seize – Everything!

Freeze & Seize – Everything!
February 24, 2022 Mark
Freeze & Seize
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Canada indicates that they can seize & freeze your bank account. They call it a tool and it will be permenant despite rolling back on the emergency powers act. Biden was complicit and spoke today… Here’s a quote

“In today’s actions, we’ve now sanctioned Russian banks that together hold around $1 trillion in assets. We’ve cut off Russia’s largest bank, a bank that holds more than one third of Russia’s banking assets by itself. Cut it off the U.S. financial system. And today, we’re also blocking four more major banks. That means every asset they have in America will be frozen. This includes VTB, the second-largest bank in Russia, which has $250 billion dollars in assets. As promised, we’re also adding the names to the list of Russian elites and their family members that we’re sanctioning as well. “

BTC had a 4% spike eliminating and bullishly engulfing 13 days of previous price action while Biden delivered his speech. Perhaps this spike in BTC was a response by wealthy ( Russian ) individuals looking to protect wealth.

P.S if Bidens quote above doesn’t scare you it should. Today it’s Russia AND elites AND family members. Tomorrow it’s any dissenting group. The day after it’s individuals they don’t like… No judicial process. Not being able to participate in financial services rendering them unable to make a living. Tyranny

Conspiracy theories aside, it’s crystal clear that your money is not your money. Your assets are not your assets and ‘family’ members are just collateral damage.



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